Acquisition of ENgage

Acquisition of ENgage
Publicatiedatum: 4 March 2019

VLC & Partners acquired ENgage Werkgeversadvies B.V. on 1 January 2019. This acquisition fits in seamlessly with Van Lanschot Chabot and Mandema & Partners’ strategy to expand further as a strategic human resources partner to medium-sized and large enterprises in the Netherlands. Van Lanschot Chabot and Mandema & Partners have taken over all of ENgage’s operations and staff.


Who is ENgage?

ENgage serves employers that act in accordance with their risk-bearer status under the SW [Sickness Benefits Act] and the WGA [Return to Work (Partially Disabled Persons) Scheme]. Employers with risk-bearer status outsource their case management activities to parties such as ENgage. Through these activities VLC & Partners are further expanding their services in the field of strategic absence management.


The sustainable employability of staff features high on the agenda of public authorities and businesses. VLC & Partners have deliberately chosen to play a strategic role in the provision of advice on sustainable employability in relation to both prevention and reintegration. For instance, we offer our clients advice and solutions across the full spectrum of the absence issue. We would like to serve as a strong partner for our clients, certainly in the field of case management in relation to risk-bearer status. Together with ENgage, we are realising our aspirations by incorporating this expertise.

“Through this acquisition we can offer our clients clearly discernible added value in relation to absence management. By combining expertise our clients can count on the provision of comprehensive services spanning advice, assistance and prevention,” according to Jeroen Hertog, the Employee Benefits Manager of VLC & Partners.

“The acquisition will ensure that our expertise becomes available to a large number of new business associates. In this respect one must not only consider risk-bearers. Those employers who are still with the UWV [Employee Insurance Agency] will also benefit from our expertise,” says Janthony Wielink, the ENgage managing director.